Video: Cristiano Ronaldo Is Declared The Fittest Man Alive By Men’s Health Magazine


Cristiano Ronaldo is shirtless again — we know, we know, you’re shocked — and this time it’s on the cover of Men’s Health magazine’s September issue. They’ve declared him the Fittest Man Alive, and really, when you break down the numbers (or just use your eyeballs) it’s hard to argue otherwise.

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Just a few nuggets from his spread in the fitness magazine:

-Ronaldo runs more than six miles per game
-His body fat is in the low single digits (well, duh)
-In a typical game, he sprints 33 times at a top speed of about 21 mph
-He can kick that ball at 80 mph (surprised he hasn’t broken a net yet)

Okay, we get it Cristiano. YOU’RE IN SHAPE. Can you stop showing off now? The rest of us are feeling self-conscious. Here’s a look behind the scenes of his cover shoot, in case you want to feel even worse about your own physique:

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